The Spathiphyllum sensation does not like to be overwatered and so it is best to let the first 3cm of soil dry out before watering. In the cooler months when the plant goes into dormancy you will need to water less. The plant also likes medium humidity of around 60% and so, in the drier months keep a tray of water nearby to assist with the humidity levels.
In the warmer months the Spathiphyllum sensation benefits from fertilising with a fish emulsion every 2 months along with a liquid fertiliser for indoor plants. During the dormant period of autumn and winter reduce the use of fertiliser. To avoid root burn, ensure your soil is moist before fertilising.
Spathiphyllum sensation grows best in medium to bright indirect light. Try to avoid exposing your plant to direct sunlight as it may result in burnt leaves. While Spathiphyllum sensation can be grown in the darker corners of a room, the plant is less likely to flower, and too much shade may lead to root rot or soil mould which may lead to further problems.
While the Spathiphyllum sensation is tough and relatively easy to care for, they are susceptible spider mites, mealy bugs and scale. You should remove any pests and treat with an appropriate spray. The root rotting diseases are most common with Spathiphyllum sensation and are brought about by infected water or soil. Symptoms include yellowing leaves and a wilting appearance. In this instance you should try repotting the plant in a clean fresh soil mix. The leaves benefit from periodic cleaning with a clean damp cloth to remove any dust.
Is your Spathiphyllum sensation pet friendly?