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How to care for your Alocasia reginula

Do not over water Alocasia reginula as they do not like consistently wet

soil. Allow the first 3cm of soil to dry out before re-watering. In the cooler months

when the plant becomes dormant you will need to water less.

The plant prefers humidity levels between 60 – 75% so in the drier months keep a tray of water nearby to assist with the humidity levels.

Alocasia reginula thrives in a bright spot with lots of indirect light, and while they will grow in shade this tends to result in the foliage becoming leggy.

Spider mites are the most common pest. As with many Alocasias the biggest problem is over watering the plant which results in root rot. If you notice curling leaves this can be a sign of either too much light or underwatering.

Is your Alocasia reginula pet friendly?



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